Tech Updates related to Microsoft, Gmail, and Infosys
Let's start!
:::Microsoft has acquired Clipchamp, a web-based video editing app.

While the financial details have not been disclosed, Microsoft and Clipchamp have made one important announcement. As per the acquisition terms, Microsoft will support the functioning of Clipchamp and offer it to the users through Microsoft 365. Chris Pratley, the Corporate Vice President of Office Media Group at Microsoft, said that since Clipchamp uses the full power of a personal computer, it was a natural fit to extend the cloud-powered productivity experiences in Microsoft 365. Clipchamp, a Brisbane-based company, was founded in 2013. Since then, it has gathered more than 17 million registered users across the globe. Some features of the web-based video editing app that help the company to retain such a huge user base are screen recording, webcam recording, and different templates, transitions, & filters for social media, gaming, & educational purpose.
:::A new feature launched by Gmail is all set to make it an all-in-one app.

As a part of its Workspace section, Gmail has introduced an option to call the other person. One can initiate the call from his or her inbox of the email. With this feature launched, a user can now send/receive emails, make video/audio calls, send/receive messages, and send/receive texts by creating a group. The overall updated interface of Gmail now features four tabs. These four tabs are Mail, Chat, Spaces, and Meet. A spokesperson from Gmail issued a statement saying that the update to the app and web interface was a part of making Gmail Workspace a hybrid work environment. Gmail is now working to redesign Rooms, now known as Spaces. The new design is reportedly expected to look similar to Slack.
:::Infosys has launched Equinox.

In an attempt to transform its online and in-store functions, Equinox has been launched by Infosys. The digital commerce platform was in a trial phase for the past two years. The receipt of positive responses has resulted in the launch of Equinox for every major industry. Equinox, during its trial phase, helped Infosys to earn $15 billion in annual e-commerce gross merchandise value. Karmesh Vaswani, the Executive Vice President and Global Head of Consumer (Retail & Logistics) at Infosys, said that the last two years of the trial phase have been great because of the positive response. Now that the trial phase is over and Equinox has been launched in the market, Infosys is looking to target industries like retail, consumer packed goods, automotive, media streaming, manufacturing, and telecom.
That is all for this week.
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